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How to Choose the Right Screening Design!

New DoE-users often get overwhelmed by the amount of different designs that are available. Instead of seeing the benefits of just using the DoE (Design of Experiments) approach at all the tend to worry how to choose the right design for a given application. In this piece I will present my approach to choose the right screening design while introducing a JMP-script that supports you with that.


Exploring Spatial Autocorrelation: Moran's I and Geary's Ratio

While using autocorrelation statistics for time series data is quite common, one has to dig a bit deeper to evaluate spatial autocorrelation for some given data. Spatial autocorrelation might be a starting-point for any analysis of spatial data to get a first impression if places that are close to each other are similar in regards of a variable of interest.

This piece shows how to use the Spatial Data Analysis-Add-In (Version 0.92) for JMP to calculate the most commonly used metrics to measure spatial autocorrelation: Moran's I and Geary's Ratio.


Solving Traveling Salesperson Problems with JMP

This is part 2 of my series about spatial data analysis with JMP. After we learned how to geocode addresses in part 1. I will now show you how to solve Traveling Salesperson Problems using the JMP Add-In.


Spatial Data Analysis with JMP

Last week I had the pleasure to participate in the first European JMP Discovery Summit. As part of this I was able to give a talk on our JMP-Add-In extending JMPs capabilities in spatial data analysis. Now let me show you how to use the Add-In to geocode some addresses in JMP!


Start EViews Scripting - NOW!

Three days ago I gave my talk on "EViews Scripting and Addin-Development" at the First EViews User Meeting. As I think there is lot of unused potential I'll try to increase the reach of my talk by posting here again.


Review: EViews User Meeting 2014 in Frankfurt

Two days of presentations, exchange of ideas and networking are over. For all who have missed it: I'm talking about the first EViews User Meeting in Frankfurt. Organized by IHS Germany and STATCON the User Meeting brought users from several countries together: Austria, Poland and Germany. Under the general topic of "Global Commodity Markets - Scenarios, Prices and Forecasts" many very informative, helpful talks were presented, covering the range from scientific methodology, technical advices & programming and of course: case-studies!
The share of thought about how to best utilize EViews within individual organizations as well as the use of different types of econometric models  was the most stimulating element across the two days.


Noticable Pieces (1): Beer Blends - A Taste for Mixtures

In my previous article I mentioned the beer-tasting experiment as one of the highlights of the 5th European DoE User Meeting.

Sadly I was not around to see the analysis of the data - but luckily Andrew and Paul of PrismTC wrote an excellent article on their website.

So everyone who is either interested in beer and/or mixture experiments: Read this!


Like Cupcakes? Go to the 5th European Design of Experiments User Meeting!

Today I want to share a few of my impressions from the 5th Design of Experiments User Meeting in Cambridge. After being organized by Statcon for the last three times (Berlin,  Luzern -in cooperation with CQ-Consultancy -, and Vienna), PRISMTC from the UK was the host in Cambridge.


Control 2014

Die letzten Arbeiten an unserem Messestand 221, Halle 3 werden durch unseren Chef Herrn Bertram Schäfer verrichtet.

Besuchen Sie uns, um das Ergebnis zu begutachten.


Der Geschmack des Mittelwerts

Wer gerne Max und Caroline in 2 Broke Girls bei ihrem endlosen Bestreben ein Cupcake-Imperium aufzubauen verfolgt, der kommt nicht umhin selber mal den Versuch zu wagen. Leider ist die Menge an verfügbaren Rezepten recht umfangreich (Chefkoch.de liefert 385 Rezepte), so dass es wohl zumindest den einen oder anderen Entscheidungsbaum(-kuchen) bräuchte um das beste Rezept zu finden. Wer sich zwischen Rafaello-Cupcake, Schwarzwälder-Kirsch oder gar dem Schockoladenmuffin mit Marshmellowhut wählen muss hat auf jeden Fall gravierende Erste-Welt-Probleme.


Balkendiagramme für Mittelwerte

Im Rahmen der Blogparade von SAS zum Thema Datenvisualisierung gibt Betram Schäfer (CEO der Firma Statcon) Hinweise zur Verwendung von Balkendiagrammen.


Balkendiagramme einige allgemeine Hinweise

Im Rahmen der Blogparade von SAS zum Thema Datenvisualisierung gibt Bertram Schäfer (CEO der Firma Statcon) Hinweise zur Verwendung und Anpassung von Balkendiagrammen.